My Teaching Philosophy

“My teaching philosophy is a simple, straight-forward, fundamental approach. I believe that almost all swing problems are derived from a flaw in the starting position or setup. The success that I've had with students has always been based on a relentless pursuit of a solid setup position. I spend a tremendous amount of time on grip. I have been accused of being a grip fanatic, which I consider a compliment.

The next step is explaining that the aim of the club head, along with parallel body lines and correct posture are the building blocks for a sound golf swing. Then often the most difficult job is smoothly moving from setup into a completed back swing. To create this position, I use many different visual tools: models, a video camera, and video printer.

Once the back swing has been established, the downswing and strike point have to be monitored. In the golfer's perfect world the downswing would be nothing more than a reflex action to square the club and ball. As easy as this seems, this seldom happens. Delivering the club to the ball consistently, even from a perfect back swing, is a feat that only a very few players have accomplished. The difference between a 10-yard faded ball and a 10-yard draw is so minute that drilling blade awareness into the student's swing is a must.

Lastly, the finish position is an indicator that he or she has maintained proper balance and gives a polished look.

I look forward to meeting you and helping you accomplish your golf game goals.”


John Dahl Golf News

Top 100 Golf Magazine Golf ProJohn Dahl, 2009 Golf Magazine Top 100 Teacher, and eight-time Golf Magazine Top 100 Golf Teacher.

Golf Magazine